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  • Writer's pictureRachel Huang

Day 4:

Today we attended the local AIC (African Initiated Churches) Kijabe Mission Church. We missed the service that was in English, but we were able to attend the Communion that was between services. We then attended the service that was in both Swahili and Kikuyu, which is a dialect in the area near Kijabe. The service lasted two hours and was filled with different singing groups, congregational worship, and preaching by the pastor.

After the service, we were invited to have Kenyan tea with the pastor and some of the church members. We got to talk to the pastor about the history of AIC and the history of the Kijabe Mission Church.

After church, we went back to the house to rest and prepare for the clubfoot testing that will start tomorrow. We are super excited to start working on our projects with the CURE hospital this week!


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